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Whimzees Toothbrush Star XSmall 48pk 360g


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Whimzees Toothbrush Dog Dental Treats

Dog dental treats ensure that your dog's teeth and gums are healthy. They help to remove plaque, which fights tooth decay. It also keeps away undesirable doggy breath.

These Whimzees toothbrush shaped treats are fun and practical. The shape of this treat is cute but also works to gently scrape away plaque on the tooth surface.

All natural ingredients, gluten free and vegetarian.
Green colour contains alfalfa extract - Vitamin K, C and B, beta carotene.
Orange colour contains annato extract - Rich source of antioxidants from the annato fruit.
Brown colour contains malt extract - Enhances natural flavour.

  • Model:
  • Shipping Weight: 0.45 kilos
  • Product Brand: Whimzees

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