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Pawsome Hemp Oil Seaweed 100ml


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Seaweed has been used for consumption for thousands of years. It is packed with vitamins and minerals and is full of antioxidants, which have anti-tumour, antiviral and antimicrobial properties

Ascophyllum Nodosum has great properties that are beneficial to oral health, it has been shown to reduce plaque in cats and dogs and helps fight periodontal diseases.

Hemp contains a perfect ratio of omega 3 and 6. Hemp oil contains all 20 known amino acids and all the essential fatty acids to help promote good health. It can help everything from the digestive system, to the joint health, to the cardiovascular health; as well as relieving skin disorders.

The gamma-linolenic acid from the omega 6 and the naturally occurring cannabinoids in the hemp plant is a great addition to your pets diet!

Seaweed has been used for consumption for thousands of years. It is packed with vitamins and minerals and is full of antioxidants, which have anti-tumour, antiviral and antimicrobial properties

Ascophyllum Nodosum has great properties that are beneficial to oral health, it has been shown to reduce plaque in cats and dogs and helps fight periodontal diseases.

Hemp oil contains a perfect ratio of omega 3 and 6. Hemp Nectar contains all 20 known amino acids and all the essential fatty acids to help promote good health. It can help everything from the digestive system, to the joint health, to the cardiovascular health; as well as relieving skin disorders. The gamma-linolenic acid from omega 6 and the naturally occurring cannabinoids in the hemp plant may even inhibit the growth of certain tumours.

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  • Shipping Weight: 0.1 kilos
  • Product Brand: Pawsome

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