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Advocate Dog 10-25Kg Large Red 3Pack


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The most complete parasite protection for dogs and cats.

Just one simple monthly application
Advocate kills more kinds of parasites in dogs and cats than any other all-in-one topical product. With one easy monthly application, Advocate eliminates fleas and flea larvae, heartworm, hookworm, roundworm and ear mites. Advocate for dogs also kills whipworm, mange mites and lice. By giving your pet the most complete parasite protection, Advocate gives you peace of mind.

Easy application makes protecting your pet simple
Advocate comes in convenient pipettes. All you need do is squeeze it onto your pet's skin, as directed, once a month.

Fast, effective flea control
Fleas are one of the most common problems for dogs and cats, and they're more than just an annoyance. When fleas bite your pet, they suck out blood, causing intense irritation and itching. This can lead to Flea Allergy Dermatitis. Monthly use of Advocate gets fleas under control and keeps them under control.

- Stops fleas from feeding within 3-5 minutes.
- Kills both adult and larval fleas within 20 minutes of contact.
- Kills 98 - 100% of fleas within 12 hours of first application.
- Kills fleas that jump onto the pet later, within one hour.
- Breaks the flea life cycle by killing flea larvae as well as adult fleas.
- Reduces the incidence of Flea Allergy Dermatitis.

  • Model:
  • Shipping Weight: 0.12 kilos
  • Product Brand: Advocate

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