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Advantix Dog 10-25Kg Large Red 3Pack


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Advantix for Dogs

Spot-on tick and flea control for dogs.

Designed specifically for dogs, Advantix harnesses a patented combination of two proven ingredients, Imidacloprid (from Advantage) and Permethrin, to protect your dog from ticks, fleas, mosquitoes and sandflies.

Advantix is the only spot-on product that not only kills ticks, but actually repels them. Repelled ticks drop off your dog before they have the chance to bite or attach.

Advantix repels and kills paralysis ticks
A single adult paralysis tick can paralyse and even kill your dog. Advantix repels and kills these deadly parasites.

Advantix repels and kills Brown Dog ticks and Bush ticks
Brown Dog tick can develop into an overwhelming problem in your dog's surroundings ? even in your house! Advantix repels and kills this parasite as well as Bush tick.

Advantix kills fleas and flea larvae ? fast
Advantix stops fleas from feeding within 3-5 minutes of contact. Within 12 hours of application, 98-100% of the fleas on your dog will be dead. Best of all, fleas don't have to bite your dog to be affected.

Advantix repels and kills mosquitoes and sandflies
Mosquitoes and sandflies are just as irritating to dogs as they are to people, especially around the ears and nose. Advantix will protect your dog from these painful insects. Advantix is easy to use ? simply apply the pre-measured tube to the back of your dog's neck (see directions for use for dogs over 25kg. From there, it spreads over your dog's skin, protecting your dog from biting insects.

Advantix repels and kills stable (biting) flies
Advantix is the only dog treatment with repellency properties against stable?(biting) flies that lasts for a month. It helps prevent irritation and skin lesions caused by these flies.

  • Model:
  • Shipping Weight: 0.12 kilos
  • Product Brand: Advantix

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