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Marina EZ Care Betta Kit 2.5lt Black


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Whether you're a beginner fish hobbyist or have kept an aquarium for many years now, youll find Marina products to be user-friendly and affordable, supporting the life and habitat of your fish for years to come.

The Marina EZ Care Betta Tank provides a low-maintenance fish-keeping experience. This aquarium uses a flushing system to push debris to the bottom of the tank and then out to the reservoir located on the back - when this is full, simply empty and replace. This small tank is great for placement in office settings, on counters, desks, bookshelves or coffee tables.

Compact plastic tank
Flushing system to push debris to the bottom of the tank. Debris is then flushed into the reservoir at the back of the tank, which can be removed and emptied when filled
Includes a cup that can be filled with treated water and use every day to clean the tank.

Capacity: 2.6 Litres | 15.8cm x 15.8cm x 15.8cm

  • Model:
  • Shipping Weight: 5 kilos
  • Product Brand: Marina

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