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Pisces Live Plant Fontinalis on Ball


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Pisces Live Plant Fontinalis Topiary Balls

Small, visually pleasing, and robust, the Java Moss (Fontinalis) offers a little haven for many fish who wish to take cover, lay their eggs or feed on the scraps of microorganisms this moss provides.

Java Moss (Fontinalis) is easy to care for, so they are perfect for beginner fish keepers wishing to introduce aquatic moss to their aquarium. Experimenting with where to place this moss can be interesting, as their rhizoids allow them to attach to any surface. However, this can make controlling its growth somewhat difficult once established. Therefore, regular pruning will be required.

Since these aquarium moss are small plants, they don?t require a large tank. They are great for growing in 35L tanks. In fact, they will grow in nano tanks that are even smaller as well, making it perfect for shrimp tanks or fry tanks.

Aquarium plant fertilizers can be used to ensure availability of nutrients for Java Moss. These essential nutrients for proper growth include nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Aquarium plant fertilizers are usually available as root tabs or liquid fertilizers. Since Java Moss do not have roots that grow into the substrate, liquid fertilizers should be used.

A good aquarium filter and some water current would allow Java Moss to thrive. In their natural habitat, they grow in areas with clean water and gentle currents.

Lighting Requirement

Java Moss (Fontinalis) will grow under low and medium light environments. Aquarium light capacity of approximately 0.5 watts per liter is optimal. The light should be kept on for approximately 6-9 hours per day.

Within the acceptable range, if there is more light intensity or light duration, the plant will grow faster.

Under low light environments, Java Moss will not grow very fast. The plant may not grow as dense as well. Under extreme conditions with very little light over an extended period of time, the plant may not survive. However, compared to many other aquarium plants, Java Moss is resilient to low light environments.

Is CO2 Required?

Adding carbon dioxide (CO2) is not required for growing Java Moss. They will do fine without the CO2 injection, but it may help speed up the growth rate. Liquid fertilisers can also be used in place of CO2 to achieve this. As a general rule, it would be best to keep CO2 levels at 3 to 5mg per liter.

Benefits of Adding Java Moss to an Aquarium

There are many advantages to including Java Moss in an aquarium set up, which both the fish and keepers will appreciate. Java Moss is an exceptional water detoxifier, decreasing the levels of harmful chemicals (e.g. nitrates) that can be harmful to aquarium fish and other aquatic animals. It also helps increase oxygen levels.

Common Name(s): Java Moss (Fontinalis)
Scientific Name: Taxiphyllum barbieri
Origin: Southeast Asia
Ease of Growing: Easy
Aquacape: Great foreground plant that can used to create a carpet effect.
Height: 2-4 inches (5-10 cm)
pH: 5.0-8.0
Temperature: 21-24oC
Growth Rate: Slow growth (1-1.5 inches per month)
Propagation: Division of plants by cutting
Light Requirement: Low to medium light

  • Model:
  • Shipping Weight: 0.15 kilos
  • Product Brand: Pisces

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