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Fritz SlimeOut 10 Pack treats Blue-Green Black Red Bubble Cyanobacteria


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Slime Out

Quickly Eliminates Stains from Cyanobacteria
Results After One Treatment
Safe for Fresh and Saltwater Systems

Fritz Slime Out aids in the removal of stains from cyanobacteria outbreaks. Effective against blue-green, black, red, and bubble cyanobacteria strains. Fritz Slime Out is safe to use in fresh and saltwater applications with invertebrates, corals, plants, and all fish species. This simple treatment quickly removes stains within 48 hours and does not affect biological filtration. Pair with FritzZyme 360 or 460 to reduce nutrients and help prevent future outbreaks.

Directions & Dosage

Add one packet Slime Out per 25 gallons (94.5 L). Perform a 25% water change after 48 hours. Repeat treatment as necessary. Pair with FritzZyme 360 or FritzZyme 460 to reduce nutrients and help prevent future outbreaks.

Remove carbon and ion-exchange resins during treatment, maintain adequate water flow or aeration
Adjust skimmer during treatment if foaming is a concern, discontinue UV sterilizer if present during treatment period
No contraindications: can be used with all of our other products and meds
Safe for use with invertebrates
Some more sensitive plant species may display yellowing, but this condition generally improves after the treatment; remove any plants if concerned
Fritz Slime Out does not inhibit nitrifying bacteria, and will not impact the biofilter. If ammonia or nitrite is a concern, detoxify during treatment with Fritz A.C.C.R. or Fritz Complete
Overdosed? Perform a large water change if distress is observed

Increase aeration or water flow during treatment.

  • Model:
  • Shipping Weight: 0.25 kilos
  • Product Brand: Fritz

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