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Everything you need to keep your pet perfectly healthy you will find among our numerous Fido products. Whether you share your home with a dog, cat, bunny or a parrot, Fido has the right product for their everyday care. We here at Stefmar pride ourselves on offering the widest range of Fido products on the Australian market. On our shelves you are bound to find whatever you need, from everyday shampoos, herbal shampoos, flea shampoos, conditioners and lice sprays, to bird warmers, calcium tablets and vitamins. By visiting one of Stefmar's physical stores or browsing our online offerings, you can rest assured that you will be able to purchase any product you might require for your pet's everyday and special health care.

Working hard for over 20 years, Stefmar has proudly earned its reputation for offering unsurpassed service and high quality products to its loyal customers. Shop now!