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If you love your fish and want them to stay healthy. Then it is essential you get the food with the right combination of vitamins and minerals. Dainichi fish food is the best thing to fight off bacterial and viral infections, repair surface damage and improve the luster, sheen and colour of your fish scales! The sensitive ingredients are perfect for fish food. The special vitamin and enzyme formula is essential for your fish immune system, so they stay healthy and free from disease. Shop the full range of Dainichi fish food at Stefmar today! Fish immune systems do not have long memories, which means they can be a constant threat from infection and disease. Dainichi pet food comes in a variety of sizes and coatings, with the right type for every fish. So if you want your pet fish to stay healthy, attractive and happy. Then it is essential you buy Dainichi fish food. Browse the full range today and get high quality fish food from Stefmar now!