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How to groom a dog

Regular dog grooming is an essential part of being a good owner. Taking your dog to the groomers a few times a year is just not enough. It is important to do part of the work on your own and with these helpful tips you will be able to perform the basic grooming tasks at home without difficulty.Regular dog grooming is an essential part of being a good owner. Taking your dog to the groomers a few times a year is just not enough. It is important to do part of the work on your own and with these helpful tips you will be able to perform the basic grooming tasks at home without difficulty.

There are several benefits when it comes to grooming your dog, from the time that you get to spend together, to keeping your dog's coat, healthy, shiny and tangle free. Another benefit of grooming and petting your dog is that it lowers your heart rate and  blood pressure.


First you need to determine how often your dog's coat needs brushing. Generally shorter coats need weakly while longer can sometimes need daily attention. After that you will have to find your weapon of choice. Starting from the brush, there are basically three main brush types, bristle, wire-pin and slicker. While bristle brushes can be used on all coat types, wire-pun are recommended for medium to long coats, and the slicker brush is great for tangles and mats.

When you have the right tool in your hand the process can begin. If you are just starting out and you have a cute and playful puppy, it will want to play and chew the brush. First you need to let it smell it and get accustomed to it, after you can start the brushing process. Be careful that it doesn’t last too long, and in time increase it and your pet will see it as a pleasant activity that always ends with a treat. With regular brushing you can reduce the need for constant clipping, depending on the rate of growth of your dog's coat.


The best bathing interval is every two to four months. This is of course not the case when your dog has a great day in the rain and mud, or just rolls in something not too fragrant. It is very important to use dog shampoos and not the ones meant for humans. Dog skin is different than ours so it is important that the shampoo is mild enough to avoid irritation. A bath mat and a toy are a good addition to the bathtub, to keep your dog busy and to prevent slipping.

Use lukewarm water and rinse thoroughly, paying attention not to spray directly into the dog's eyes, nose or ears. After bathing, dry your dog first with a towel, and let him shake off the excess. Than if the weather is cold use a blow dryer, set it on mild heath and be careful not to burn your dog. During the hot summer days you can let your dog dry off in the sun.


Well trimmed dogs feet not only look good but are very important for your dog's health. Short hair reduces the amount of stickers, rocks, ice balls, salt, and tar, the main causes that make your dog uncomfortable during walks. Use scissors to trim the top hair on your dog's foot,paying attention not to trim between the fingers since some breeds have skin in that area and you could hurt them. Scissors can also be used for trimming the hair on the bottom of the feet between the pads.

Your dog's nails grow in a curve, and should be maintained regularly, otherwise it will have trouble walking because they can cause your dog's toes to splay and twist. Ideally you should clip the nails every two weeks. One of the signs that they are too long is the clacking sound your dog will produce as it walks on the floor.

Believe it or not, dogs have most of the dental issues that humans have. Form cavities and plaque to gum disease. Keeping your dog's teeth clean is very important since bacteria caused by gum disease can get to the bloodstream causing serious health problems. It is recommended that you clean your dog's teeth at least two times per week to avoid any major problems or having to have your dog put under for a more complex cleaning procedure.

Grooming can be a great positive experience that you can share with your dog. It doesn’t take up a lot of your time, your dog will be happy and healthy and you will even get to save up on that large grooming bill. Get the tools you need today and start the grooming adventure together with your best friend.